Yesterday morning, I was convinced that it was time to replace the 40 HP Evinrude on the Whaler. It's been nothing but trouble since we launched it a year ago. It's given mechanics fits, and us. But those of you who know me, and you regular followers, know how persistent (which is a nice word for pig headed) I can be. I can be especially persistent after looking online at new outboard motor prices.
I wasn't happy with how the fuel lines fit. They were new, along with the fuel tank and battery, when I ordered all the parts I'd need before leaving Stamford in September of 2011. But they were loose on both ends. I hied myself to West Marine, and found this fuel line kit. Click on it to make it bigger, and read the bulleted items on the right.
Recommended for fuel tanks manufactured 2011 to present. What? What's the difference? Regardless, the Whaler's tank was bought in 2011, so this might be the problem.
Back at the boat, I hooked up the new lines. The connection to the motor was so tight that it wouldn't lock on, so I had to bend the tab a little. Perfect. But same problem. The motor would sputter and die.
I pulled the cover off, looking at everything. There, on the starboard side of the engine, was linkage not connected. On inspection, it looks like it connected to a tab under the flywheel. I pulled the pieces off.
Heck, I can replace this with a bent coat hanger. I could, that is, until I snapped off the top of the flimsy pot metal connection. You can see it in the center of the photo below.
Being pigsistent, I cobbled up a coat hanger and zip ties. I hit the starter and the engine started right up and purred like a kitten.
I hollered to Pam to see if she'd like to go for a boat ride to try it out. Sure, she said, but eat your sandwich. I went into the galley.
It seems that a dog, that shall remain nameless (Olivia) ate it. No matter, let's go for a boat ride.
We loaded up the dogs and us into the boat. Knowing my track record with the Whaler, I decided to motor upwind, so that if anything happened it would be an easier paddle back.
As it turned out, that was the only smart thing I did yesterday. It was a long paddle back.