Thursday, November 8, 2012

OK. What's up with "Rainy Day Blog Post"?

Like many bloggers, I use Blogger to run this blog.  It's very cool software.  Easy to use, and it gives me useful stats.   Here's a screen capture of our stats for the month up above.

What stands out to me is the most popular blog post this month.  Rainy Day Blog Post.  What?  That was a desperation blog post by me last June.  I had nothing.  I even said so in the blog.  Most days when things were slow, I'd stand on the flybridge with my camera for an hour and come up with all kinds of interesting shots to post.  That day, it was threatening rain.  I had nothing.

Go ahead.  Click on the link above.  Tell me why "Rainy Day Blog Post" is the most popular.  Ever.  Of all time.   Here, look.

"Rainy Day Blog Post" has received more than twice the hits of number two, "A Bit About The Boat".  Or what I thought would be the most popular, "How Much Does It Cost To Buy A Boat And Cruise".

Was it the google phrase "PIRATE SHIP"?  Nope.  Blogger tells me what search words people use to find the blog.  For this week, they are;

trawler drift away
drift away blog
delaware ship
cheoy lee trawler 32 photos
find the kitty in the picture
long silver fish with teeth
bone yard boats
delaware bay vessel
long tailed duck "old squaw"
amusement park atlantic city

Long tailed duck "old squaw"?  What?  Go ahead, type that into Google.  See where this blog is.  I stopped looking on page four.

If you go to this blog and scroll down and look to the right, you'll see this blog's most popular posts.  There it is, right on top.  Rainy Day Blog Post.

And it's not the key words "pirate ship". Blogger also shows me those.  I'm totally baffled.  How are people getting here?


If you scroll down even farther on this page, you'll see blogs that I follow.  Yes, I do follow other blogs.  Like you, I live vicariously through others. It seems that other people didn't buy an old project boat and are actually cruising to interesting destinations.  What a concept.

But not as challenging.  They don't even have three good sized dogs.  Wimps.


  1. Dave, you're #1 with me! I log onto my gmail account then straight to Trawlerdriftaway on google. In fact, there's only one other boat blog I look at that I don't get to from your shortcuts. Used to follow many more but was taking too much time. So I cut it down to you, zerotocruising, and the shortcuts you have. You just seem to be a normal guy like me. Enjoy life, love people, adore your wife, laugh at yourself, and just enjoy whatever life brings you today.

    Keep up the good work!!!

  2. Hey Mark, thanks for the tip on zero to cruising. I added it to the favorite blogs I follow. For those of you who just stumbled on to this blog, my favorite blog list is way down on the right.

  3. Dave,
    I've got one of those posts too.
    R.I.P. Neil Armstrong... First Man On The Moon
    Don't know why, but it's mostly folk from the U.K.
    Other parts of the world also. Somedays 100s of hits
    I even asked within the post to explain how they found it, but no comments yet.

  4. I found this blog by reminiscing about ribbon fish when I should be sleeping. I'll be reading every post because I'm planning on returning to my roots and moving my family onto a trawler within the next few years...kismet! Turns out even insomnia has a silver lining.

    1. Hi Natalie,

      The Drift Away blog is now dormant for the foreseeable future. Pam and I bought land in the mountains in upstate NY and are building a little homestead, which you can follow at But if it's a boating/cruising/liveaboard lifestyle blog that you want to read, Drift Away is the one for you. You might want to just start at the beginning and read them in succession. Lots of laughs and many interesting things about buying an old fixer upper, for sure.

      Welcome aboard. Go have a victory beer. :)
