Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Rainy Day Blog Post

It rained yesterday and today, so I didn't do much and so really didn't have anything interesting to tell you.

That is, until this PIRATE SHIP passed by!

No really.   See?

Pretty exciting, huh?

OK OK, so it's not a real pirate ship.  It's all I got.  Right after he passed, it started raining again.


  1. Dave, when are you heading down to Brunswick? I am really surprised Isle of Hope did not try to work something out and keep you.

  2. We should be leaving 4th of July weekend, depending on weather. Patti did say that maybe we could work out something, but when I told her what I was paying she indicated they couldn't go that low.

    We'll be in a slip at Brunswick instead of the inside of a face dock so we'll be able to use our boat more, maybe visit Cumberland Island and such.

  3. We figured out how to keep the rain away. When we are ready to leave we just put all of our foul weather gear in the cockpit.

  4. Just had to pop over to see what the "Rainy Day Blog Post" was. Figured I'd leave a note to go with the ping:

    It's kinda funny how the things we think are throwaways wind up being blogging gold. =)
