Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gertie is in the Lead!!

David is in upstate NY to get the truck. As nice as it is to drive the T-Bird, it isn't practical as a daily driver. As he mentioned, I have a new job at the local vet,, one we have been using for our pets since Chevy cut his foot back in February. Apparently fate has been working on us without us even knowing it! Dr. Gall is a great vet, voted Savannah's favorite vet in some recent poll, and he is also a great boss. It's only been a week, but so far I really like it there. 

Dave on the other hand is rethinking the whole thing since I came home with a new addition to our boat. Yes, Olivia is staying. My daughter Meg is her new momma, but Meg lives here.  We now have three dogs, one cat and three people......hmmm what can I bring home next? David won't be back until at least Tuesday, plenty of time to bring another one..... No just kidding!

Last night, as I was chatting with my mom on the phone, I looked up and here comes Gertie through the aft door....soaking wet!! Oh no! She fell in the water again! That makes 4 times.  She now holds the Drift Away record for dunkings. I began to wonder if maybe she and Tipper (y'all remember Tipper from a couple blogs ago?) well, maybe they got in another tussel and maybe Tipper went over the edge too! I grabbed a flashlight and went walking the dock in search of the crime scene. Following Gertie's wet tracks, I found where she came out of the water. We have concrete pilings and concrete floating docks with the pilings coming up through the docks and plated with metal..... That is where the main water puddle was....around the piling. I pointed the flashlight down around the in the heck did she get out of there??? The water level was about three feet below the dock with no visible way for a cat to climb out, but she did, somehow. I just thank God she did and didn't drown under the dock.

I checked with Diane, Tipper's mom, the next morning and yep, Tipper also came home soaking wet. Apparently she was holding a grudge against poor little Gertie for making her fall in and humiliating her last week. Poor Gertie better be cautious of Tipper untli Tipper goes home to her house in June!

I am writing this on my I-Pad and can not post photos. This is being posted as is, but if David can add photos from his laptop, then great otherwise.....sorry!

~ Dave's note.  Naw.  This is good as is. Mental pictures are better than real ones.


  1. You've really become a southerner, even using "y'all" when you type in the blog!!!

  2. We love the stories about Gertie and Tipper. Congrats on the new job Pam! We wish you all the best! We still vote for a playmate for Gertie. Just think how lonely she'll be when Tipper goes home!

    1. No way..... I like cats but don't love them. Dave will never have to worry about me being a crazy cat lady......dogs are another story, however. :)

    2. Well, we have come across a few cruisers that had 4 dogs aboard their boat. They were all different breeds. Makes me smile when I think about the dinghy ride to shore!

  3. Beautiful pup... There was no doubt in my mind that the pup was staying. Who could resist? Congratulations to Meg.
