Friday, October 18, 2019

My Personal Favorite Blog Entry

I loved writing this blog.  It was personally enlightening.  It may have provided a little bit of entertainment to you, but it showed me that I could regain my creativity.  It was gone for decades thanks to a really bad tenth grade English teacher who said I couldn't write.  But what I learned was that it doesn't matter.  What matters is I like what I write, and by extension, some of you might as well.

I wrote an entry just about every day.  If a blog entry was late, I'd get emails.

"Dave, I'm sitting in my cubicle with my donut and coffee.  Where is the blog?"

So after many years of daily blogs, I accumulated quite a few.  I've been asked if I have a favorite.  Well, pelicans are my favorite bird, so it had to have pelicans in it.  It had to show that I regained the imagination of my youth.  It had to show humor.  This one, from April 3, 2013...
Pelicans and Mathematics

Short story.  After Drift Away, Pamela and I moved to a remote cabin in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York.  We learned that we had Sasquatch (seriously?  They're real?) all around us.  So I decided to blog about it, of course.  Then I did the improbable.  I turned my blog entries into a book.

"Living Among Sasquatch:  A Primer" became a hit in the Bigfoot world.  It was, and is, a best seller.  It sold so well it was on Amazon's best seller list for a month.

I ran out of things to write about.  At Pam's urging, I wrote a novel.  And then a second.  No facts here, just my imagination.  They don't sell well, but they are also my favorite writings.

You can go to Amazon and search for "Dave Gibson Sasquatch".  Go to the book.  Click on my author name and go to my author's page.  There are all of may books, so far.  Thank you.  This is due to encouragement from you.

Writing fiction, where I can really let loose is liberating.  Exhausting at times, but it removes me from real life and sets me free.  I am in another place.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why you should go now

Do you want a reason to go now, not later?

About two weeks ago I passed out in the bathroom, hitting the toilet so hard that I broke the seat. I didn't wake up until the hospital. After a week of them saying nothing was wrong and there was nothing they could do, they sent me home.

The next morning, I was hit with some kind of attack and was so weak that I couldn't get off the couch. The landlady found me and called 911 since I couldn't get to the phone myself. Back to the hospital, same result. Nothing wrong. So they sent me to a rehab center for physical therapy. I seemed strange to me, but it was they that figured out that my electrolytes were screwed up, with potassium being especially low. They can't get a handle on it. But they give me blood tests at least once a day and are pumping me full of potassium but it continues to drop. I might be here for a long time, until my insurance runs out.

I managed to take a cab ride home today and fetched some clothes, my phone, and my laptop. Now I'm back in touch with the world.

I am finally back on Facebook. What did I miss? Anything?

I'm at Windsor Woods in Hudson, FL, home of the sinkhole.

BTW, sitting here, I just realized that I have another concussion. One pupil smaller than the other, dizziness, poor balance, etc. I can only wonder if this is just a continuation of the first concussion, the head/tree one. Why would I just pass out?

But I'm afraid it might happen again, somewhere, without warning. I gave my car to Pamela. My car was my one remaining asset. I am now asset-less.

That is, asset-less except for the memories of Pamela's and my cruise.  No one can take that from me.

Do it now.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

69th Birthday? Really?

For everyone wishing me a happy birthday today... thank you. I should not be here. The tree whacking me on the head in 2013 would have killed a normal person. But me Irish genes pulled me through, and my Polish side says "You want a fight? C'mon, bring it."
And me Irish side keeps saying...
The devil whispered in my ear "you are not strong enough to withstand the storm."
I whispered in the devil's ear, "I am the storm."
Your birthday wishes remind me of how lucky and tough I am.  And to the devil... you do not want me down there. I will make your life a living hell.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


I am going to tell you all something that I have never told anyone. I have visions.
I am currently receiving mental health therapy for depression. I go to group therapy Monday through Friday. Am I nuts? Most likely. But there are things that I have come to learn about myself because of therapy.
There are two "me's". The conscience me that muddles through the day. And the unconscious me. The later is the me with artistic abilities who can paint, photograph, write, and ponder deep thoughts.
My visions come to me while asleep. These are not just dreams. These are vivid and there is a clear difference between dreams and visions.For example... many years ago, I was studying to become a Mormon. This is a religion that I admire. I was visited once a week by a Sister and an Elder. But as I got serious into converting from Catholicism to Mormonism, I had a vision. "THIS IS NOT MY RELIGION" it yelled. I stopped the visits by the Sister and Elder. I knew then that my visions were real.

When my dad passed, I had a vision. In this vision, saw people as far as I could see. Then my dad and mom appeared from thecrowd. "Look who I found!" my dad said, with his arm around my mom. There is an afterlife, my vision told me, and my mom and dad were OK.

For background, I am certainly different. I had an EEG after a car accident some 50 years ago. My doctor called me back to the hospital to repeat the EEG. After that was complete, he called me into his office to tell me that my brainwaves were abnormal. He had never seen anything like it.

So, because of therapy and connecting all of the dots like my weird brainwaves, I now realize that I am not normal compared to you all. I am wired differently. Perhaps that is why Sasquatch, who are very spiritual, can and will communicate with me, as does a higher power. It is why I know things about the Forest People that no one knows.

But am I crazy, or just coming to grips with a reality. At this point in my life, I am understanding that I have a gift. A gift that I am still coming to grips with. Or... I am just nuts.