Thursday, October 17, 2019

Why you should go now

Do you want a reason to go now, not later?

About two weeks ago I passed out in the bathroom, hitting the toilet so hard that I broke the seat. I didn't wake up until the hospital. After a week of them saying nothing was wrong and there was nothing they could do, they sent me home.

The next morning, I was hit with some kind of attack and was so weak that I couldn't get off the couch. The landlady found me and called 911 since I couldn't get to the phone myself. Back to the hospital, same result. Nothing wrong. So they sent me to a rehab center for physical therapy. I seemed strange to me, but it was they that figured out that my electrolytes were screwed up, with potassium being especially low. They can't get a handle on it. But they give me blood tests at least once a day and are pumping me full of potassium but it continues to drop. I might be here for a long time, until my insurance runs out.

I managed to take a cab ride home today and fetched some clothes, my phone, and my laptop. Now I'm back in touch with the world.

I am finally back on Facebook. What did I miss? Anything?

I'm at Windsor Woods in Hudson, FL, home of the sinkhole.

BTW, sitting here, I just realized that I have another concussion. One pupil smaller than the other, dizziness, poor balance, etc. I can only wonder if this is just a continuation of the first concussion, the head/tree one. Why would I just pass out?

But I'm afraid it might happen again, somewhere, without warning. I gave my car to Pamela. My car was my one remaining asset. I am now asset-less.

That is, asset-less except for the memories of Pamela's and my cruise.  No one can take that from me.

Do it now.

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