Saturday, June 4, 2011

Raccoon and weekend boat chores

I was walking up our dock early yesterday evening and I saw this guy.

See him?

He saw me as I approached and scampered down the rocks and into the pipe.  He was really cute, but I made sure I kept my distance because raccoons aren't supposed to be out in the daytime.   It was getting close to dusk so he's probably OK, but it's better to be safe than sorry.   Rabies shots aren't fun, I've heard.

So the plan for this weekend was to clean the teak deck on the port side of the boat and seal it with Thompson's Advanced Formula Water Seal, then a car show tonight and another tomorrow.   That plan has already been derailed somewhat as it's alreay 9:30 in the morning and I haven't gone after the deck yet.   The marina wifi went down and I spent an hour rebooting and resetting that.   Turns out it was a burned out LAN port on the hot spot.

So off to the deck!   Right after I finish this cup of coffee.   Then to the deck!   Well, I really should eat breakfast first, but then right to the deck!    Well, I need to brush my teeth, and I probably should shave, but then right to the deck!  Oh wait, there's something on the news about the Hudson....

1 comment:

  1. I seem to come up with excuses like that all the time.

    I wonder why nothing gets done. LOL

    Bill Kelleher
