Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Don't Give Pit Bulls Cardboard Toys

I know it's been a few days since I've posted anything here, but not much has been going on of interest.   We've all been under the weather with colds and so just lollygagging around the boat.  I love that word- lollygagging.  It sounds like what it is.

The nice thing about dogs is that you can stack them.

Today we wrapped Christmas gifts.  I wrapped mine and then Pam wrapped hers.  The dogs were playing on the salon floor, just like kids.  They empty out their toy box and shake toys at each other, and then one will try to take the other's toy and they fight over it.  Great fun.  

Pam used up one roll of wrapping paper and tossed the empty tube to the dogs.  Ruby thought she was being punished and ran under the dining table, but when she saw Chevy playing with the big cardboard stick she came out and pounced on him.  She's smaller and ten pounds lighter than Chevy, but a better wrestler.

Ruby swiped the big cardboard stick and taunted him with the new toy.

And then both dogs had it.

See how they're both chewing the tube?  Want to guess how long it took them to shred it into a dog drool soggy mess?

Sorry, no pic of that.  I'd have to suffer the wrath of Pam if I laughed and took one.

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