Saturday, May 14, 2011

20 Ounce Kitten vs. 135 pounds of Pit Bulls

I mentioned in my previous blog that we have a new kitten.  Our menagerie now consists of two pit bulls and three cats, plus three humans.  That's a lot going on if we lived in a house, but we don't.  We live on a boat.  Somehow it will all work out, I figured.   Maybe I figured wrong.   I didn't factor in the ferociousness of one of our critters.   If you think I'm talking about Chevy, our 75 pound male pit bull, you would be wrong.  If you think it's Charlie, our 16 pound three legged snow shoe siamese cat, you would be wrong.

Gertie is only ten weeks old, but she quickly figured out that she needed to assert her position in her new family quickly.  She attacked all the other animals one by one.  Smudge, the 20 year old cat, has seen this all before and decided to pretty much ignore Gertie.  One down.   Next was Ruby, our 60 pound female pit bull.  She decided to avoid Gertie altogether.   Two down.   That left Charlie and Chevy.

Here is Gertie about to smack Charlie.

Two seconds after this was taken, Charlie was scampering away for all he was worth.  Now, Charlie leaves Gertie be.  Three down.  That left Chevy.

Chevy isn't afraid of ANYTHING.   Not people, not big aggressive dogs in the dog park, nothing.  Except Gertie.  He's terrified of Gertie.  Gertie will arch her back and charge Chevy, hissing and spitting.   Chevy runs away, or tries to hide under the sofa, or runs downstairs to barracade himself in our stateroom.   Anything to get away from 20 ounces of certain death.

Sometimes, Gertie surprises him with a stealth attack.

Chevy and Ruby quickly got away from the evil devil cat...

Look at the horrible kitten of death, sure to strike terror into any pit bull's heart.  Chevy finally had enough and went on the offensive and charged Gertie, barking his fool head off.   Gertie stood her ground and an uneasy Chevy stood his, kind of.   He looked like he needed an exit strategy where he wouldn't lose face, so Pamela grabbed him and pulled him away.

Gertie wins.  Four down.   I would have given her a victory beer, but to a 20 ounce cat, that would be like giving me a 180 pound beer.  Hmmmm.....

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