Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Poor Ruby

I drove Pam to the Savannah airport yesterday.  She had to go home for some family business.  The two dogs, Chevy and Ruby, are concerned because she's gone.  Every couple of hours, I was barked at.   The dogs insisted on getting off the boat to look for Pam.  They looked in the pavillion, they looked in the boat storage yard, they looked on other boats, no Pam.

But Chevy, being a guy, was quite content to romp and play with the C Dock crowd.  Ruby played a bit, but then would mope about.  Ruby misses Pam and is worried about her. 

It was time to go inside for the evening.  Chevy came in, no problem.  Ruby assumed the waiting position.

She laid on the deck by the steps to the boat, waiting and looking for her momma, and obviously concerned.

Dirty Gertie, not so much.

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