Saturday, December 1, 2012

Bad Drugs

I went to a doctor for the first time in three years a couple of days ago.  I think I may have found a really good one here in Brunswick, and just by chance too.  I didn't ask any locals who to go to, I just picked the one closest to the marina.

It was for a general checkup, and part of that, since I'm a new patient, was to ask me a list of questions.  Do I smoke, do I drink, what operations have I had, what currently ails me... that one he spent considerable time on.  I've had chronic back problems since I lifted a keg of beer out of the backseat of my '67 Camaro back in 1971.  He asked what my symptoms were and I told him.  He asked about leg pain and numbness.   He asked if it was getting worse over time.  Then he asked if I had problems washing dishes.   What kind of a question is that?   He'd like to send me for an MRI.  He suspects my herniated disks aren't as much of a problem as something called spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the open spaces in your spine that nerves pass through.

He then gave me three prescriptions.   One for pain, which he says will work better than the daily Aleve I take.   A daily one for inflammation.  And a muscle relaxant.

I picked up the drugs today, and since my back has been really hurting for the past two days, took one pain pill.  Tramadol.  The prescription was for one or two pills every six hours as needed.  I took one.  It made me slightly tired, dizzy, antsy, and nauseous for the rest of the day.  I didn't do anything except google "spinal stenosis" and watch TV.

It was 10 PM.  I couldn't get to sleep because my back was starting to  ache.  I went upstairs.  I read the label of the muscle relaxer.  May cause drowziness.  My back hurts and I can't sleep.  Perfect.  I cut a pill in half and took it.

I surfed the internet for a bit and then went downstairs to go to bed around midnight.  As I touched my side to get in, Olivia growled.  She was on the bed on my side.  Rather than cause a scene by moving her off the bed and wake up Pam, I went to the middle stateroom.  I tossed and turned.  I turned on the TV and watched MSNBC (to counterbalance listening to Fox Radio) until 2 AM when I turned it off to try to get some sleep.  The muscle relaxer should also carry the warning "may cause itchiness" because I felt like I had fleas.  I was itching and scratching.

It is now 4 AM.  I'm back on the internet.  I googled the side effects of Tramadol- dizziness, drowziness, and feeling anxious or nervous was on the list.  Then I checked carisoprodol, the muscle relaxant- yep, down on the long list of things it does was insomnia.  I'm now drinking a scotch until the itchiness wears off or the alcohol kicks in.

So, no boat projects to report on yesterday, no photos to post, no nothing.  I'll try to do better today.  There's a big craft fair here in Brunswick and Pam will be there selling her sea glass jewelry and a batch of some of my area photos.  Maybe I'll photograph that when... if... I get out of bed.

We have three dogs and a cat.  Maybe I do have fleas.


  1. We use this liquid Monthly flea treatment that you put on the animals hair at the base of the neck. Maybe get some and have Pam do that bit for you...

  2. Tramadol is BAD stuff. The docs prescribed it for my mom and it really made her loopy. I think it has an Opiate in it in combination with Ibuprofen.
