Thursday, November 29, 2012

Hash House Harriers

Each of us follow blogs for our own reasons.  Maybe you're bored in your cubicle and need an escape, or maybe you're living vicariously through the writing of others, or maybe you feel better about yourself when you read about some of the really stupid things other people do.  I follow blogs for all of the aforementioned reasons, but I also follow blogs to learn new things.

Now that I no longer work, I find I want to spend many hours of my day learning.  Whatever. Important things, political things, trivial things.  It doesn't matter.  It keeps my alleged brain working.  I read several message boards, I read CNN and my hometown newspaper online, I follow Facebook (way too much), I study photography websites, and I follow other blogs.  There is a list of the blogs I follow at the bottom of this page, on the right.

One of those blogs is "Zero to Cruising", a blog I just started following not too long ago.   This one was titled "Where to Spend Christmas".  OK, I need to know that, so I opened their blog.  This is the first paragraph.

Countless times we’ve posted on this blog about the fun that we have had hashing in Grenada. I honestly don’t think there is any better way to make friends and really get to know the islands than to get involved with the local hash groups. As such, we were very pleased to be able to join in with an equally fun group of hashers here in Trinidad this past Saturday.

?????   What is "hashing in Grenada"?  What is a hash group?  What is a hasher?  Isn't that illegal?

So I turned to Google for the answer.  The answer, in a nutshell, is that hashers are drinkers with a running problem.  Every couple of weeks, a bunch of folks gather to run (or walk) a course, and at the end drink.  Sounds like a lot of fun!  Except for the running part, this is my kind of group!

I never cease to wonder at the marvel of Al Gore's internets.  What a wonderful thing.

1 comment:

  1. Whoda ever thought that's what Hashing in Grenada is... Thanks Al....
