Monday, October 15, 2012

A Day on Jekyll Island in Photos

We spend a lot of time on Jekyll Island, as you know, primarily on the beach with our dogs.  We took them both Saturday and Sunday mornings, but on Sunday went back to play tourist.  There are many things to see on Jekyll, and we'd only seen a small part of it.  I brought my camera, of course, just for you.  :)

Jekyll Island marsh. 

The tide was high and much of the driftwood was under water. 

This looked like a small yacht converted to a shrimp boat.  It was having a tough time in the waves... 

and turned around and went back inside. 

The Sidney Lanier Bridge.  Lanier wrote the Marshes of Glynn County

This is Pamela on an observation deck.  The only problem is that the observation deck was surrounded by trees. 

Riding down one of Jekyll's bike paths... 

where we came across a Banana Spider, the largest spider in the US not a tarantula. 

Time to leave the beach, so we carried our bikes up steps to this deck, which went nowhere. 

Smootching on the beach.  Disgusting.  Get a room. 

The famous Jekyll Island Club. 

Check out the last line of "Please:". 

The Rah Bar. 

The end.


  1. More great pictures! We hope to be able to stop by on Wednesday the 17th, probably around 10 am. Hope you guys haven't gone to the beach!!

    Bob and Lynda
